By Sowmiya Yoganathan from Ooty hosted in Denmark on AFS Programs 2018

“August 10, 2018, was on a flight to Denmark. So excited that I didn’t sleep much in the flight. After reaching, I met my host family and felt that they are the one. Had so much fun in 10 months! I did traveling, learned cycling, cooking etc. One of the major changes I saw in my self during these months was me trying to change from an introvert to an extrovert. I suffered a lot because becoming an extrovert is not at all easy. But my classmates and host family helped me to overcome it. I am still shy and scared but not that much that I can’t communicate. Self-motivation, self-confidence, and communication are some traits that can never be learned in regular schools. This year also taught me – great life skills, communication, decision making, self-awareness, creative thinking and coping with stress. This program has been an amazing change in my life hence I will recommend it to a lot of people. I do believe in the big picture. The big picture differs for everyone. My big picture is to be happy all my life. It is the main thing I want in my life. My message to the Indian youths is to live your life as you want and be the happiest out of all, this is the only way you can satisfy yourself.”