By Preeti Khichi, Educator, Scindia Kanya Vidayalaya, Gwalior

Virtual Exchange Program is one of the finest means to utilize the technology as a way to foster intercultural dialogue between schools in different countries to interact and exchange ideas on global concerns.

Between schools in India and Brazil

  1.     Scindiya Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior
  2.     Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Brazil

Around 70 students participated in this exchange program with the school in Brazil through video conference and explored the topic-Experiencing different cultural habits. The virtual session started with an exchange of pleasantries like ‘Namaste’ and ‘Chao’ from respective countries. The session entailed exchange of questions on the history of the country, languages, forms of government, school curriculum, sports, cuisine, society etc.

The discussion on society, status of women, everyday day to day school schedule, various sports the children play, the subjects that they study and the curricular activities that they have in school were highlighted in the discussions. Brazilian Carnival and the feast days of some of the Saints are the main days of celebrations in Brazil.

The schools appreciated the platform where they got an exposure to interreact with students of different countries, understand each- others uniqueness and spread the message of peace and happiness, across the globe, crossing all the regional and global barriers.